Song has been called ‘the sign of the heart’s joy’ and it is but one of the ways song and music in general contribute to the liturgy: they give a more noble and emphatic form to the Word of God; they help to strengthen the unity of the assembly; they give shape to the rite, emphasising its high points; they create festivity; and they point to something beyond the present, towards the ‘hymn that is sung throughout all ages in the halls of heaven’. (Liturgy Office of England and Wales)
We use a range of traditional and modern music resources throughout the Church’s year: from hymns, plainsong and psalmody to polyphony and worship songs.
The parish choir principally lead the singing of the hymns, responses and Mass settings each week, but enrich the liturgy during the Church’s year through the use of anthems and motets. The choir are supported by a music team of an organist and an instrumental group (guitars, flute and violin) who accompany the singing on a scheduled basis. The organ provides the traditional accompaniment to the liturgy and the instrumental group offer a fresh feel to the contemporary repertoire.
The choir meet an hour before Mass at 4.00pm on a Saturday afternoon for a short practice of the music of the day. Full choir practices start, by agreed arrangement, on Monday evenings at 7.00pm, to prepare for major services throughout the year. The choir welcomes anyone who has an enthusiasm for singing, and makes a commitment to regular attendance at choir practices and services. It is not necessary to read music as guidance will be given where appropriate. As a small parish choir the music is never too complicated. Likewise, if you can play an instrument to a reasonable standard and can complement the existing music team, you would also be most welcomed. Contact can be made through any of the choir members or organist.
Basic Organ Specification:
Viscount Regent 356 D (Installed 2019)
3 Manuals of 61 tracker touch keys. (Swell organ, Great organ, Choir organ)
32 Note concave pedal board.
56 Speaking Stops. (All voicing, temperaments and hundreds of alternatives are alterable.)
Multiple couplers and programmable pre-sets.
Record and playback system